The Gensingen Brace™ is the Gold Standard in Cheneau Scoliosis Bracing

Patients and providers alike are seeing the advantages our Gensingen Brace™ for scoliosis treatment. Learn more about our practitioner bracing courses and how you can bring this exciting new scoliosis bracing technology to your patients. To round out our innovative brace offerings we also offer help for patients with kyphosis with our Kyphologic and Physiologic braces.

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The Gensingen Brace™ Advantage

At Scoliosis Bracing Innovations, Inc. we offer three dynamic spinal braces. Our most popular brace, the Cheneau Gensingen Brace™ (GBW) for scoliosis, is quickly becoming the new gold standard in scoliosis bracing. Our Cheneau brace is demonstrating an increasing record of success in the US and Canada as well as internationally.

The Gensingen Brace™ focuses on spinal stabilization and positively influencing the patient’s posture. Our innovative Cheneau brace is designed to address the spine and torso in ways that other spinal braces fail to elevating scoliosis bracing to a higher level! The asymmetric design induces a mirror image of the body. This works to create postural improvements and better in-brace corrections! Strategically placed voids and pressure zones facilitate Schroth rotational breathing – another important feature contributing to scoliosis correction.

Made of a moldable, lightweight polyethylene material, our asymmetric brace has front closing straps and an open hip for improved mobility. This contributes to a better wearing experience. When compared to other spinal braces, patients who wear our Cheneau brace report a very short break-in period and an improved level of comfort. In fact, many kids sleep through the night immediately after the initial fitting in their new scoliosis brace.

Designed for 3D spinal correction, the Gensingen Brace™ addresses the coronal, transverse, and the often-neglected sagittal plane. This removes concerns of flatback, a problem with some compressive braces. Whenever possible, each scoliosis brace strives to overcorrect scoliosis and is effective for curve management throughout the entire growth process. When fitting takes place in a timely manner – prior to or during an active growth phase – many patients have achieved measurable scoliosis correction!

What Providers, Practitioners and Patients are Saying

“J. will be happy to continue with the brace! It’s funny that two years ago when we started to wear the brace J didn’t want it very much, but now she doesn’t want to end it.” Read More

“The best part is, the results are there! In her last X-Ray, my daughter showed improvement in all of her curves, especially the thoracic and lumbar ones, which were by far the biggest. She is no longer a candidate for surgery, which is the happiest news we’ve ever heard!” Read More

“Her activity tolerance has certainly increased. She does not tire as easily and demonstrates quicker recovery time with activities. Her confidence, sense of self, balance, brain and sensory processing are all benefiting from bracing.” Read More

“Just saw [patient], mother is really happy with correction in brace and with out of brace curve stabilization.” Read More

“Personally, I feel the most important aspect of the brace that leads to its success is the asymmetrical design. Patients are more apt to be compliant about wearing a brace once they see their corrected X-rays.” Read More

“[She] wears her brace to school everyday and in total she is very adamant for making sure she wears her brace at least 20 hours a day…This is the 1st time she has been willing to wear her brace to school and she’s actually not embarrassed with it.” Read More