What a great course…Your organization is TOP NOTCH and I feel extremely lucky to have been part of the training. Read More

The Gold Standard in Scoliosis Bracing
Patients and providers alike are seeing the advantages our braces for scoliosis treatment. Learn more about our practitioner bracing courses and how you can bring this exciting new scoliosis bracing technology to your patients.

Your patients with scoliosis and kyphosis will benefit from our innovative spinal braces. Learn about the advantages of our scoliosis brace and our braces for thoracic and thoracolumbar kyphosis.

We offer state-of-the art Schroth method compatible braces for adolescents and adults with scoliosis and kyphosis. Learn more about the benefits of our braces and find a provider!
The Scoliosis Bracing Innovations Advantage
At Scoliosis Bracing Innovations, Inc. we take great pride in being on the forefront of scoliosis treatment and bracing. Dr. Marc Moramarco has spent nearly twenty-five years dedicated to developing his expertise in the area of Schroth method curve pattern-specific exercise treatment for scoliosis and complementary bracing for scoliosis from Europe.
He and his team are committed to offering the most cutting edge scoliosis braces for patients, both adolescent and adult. Dedicated to educating those with an interest in the most effective scoliosis treatments available, their extensive experience with patients as clinicians, certified teachers, and trainers of other professionals have enabled countless patients to obtain results that were previously unattainable via conservative means.
More than any other type of brace, European style Chêneau brace treatment has been proven to be more successful than any other type of brace to date in its potential to stopscoliosis progression, potentially reduce curvature and help adolescents avoid scoliosis surgery(1).
Innovative, asymmetric, three-dimensional scoliosis bracing is are designed to address the spine and torso in ways that spinal braces have failed in the past. This bracing technology has finally elevated scoliosis bracing to a higher level!
(1)Wing-Yan CHAN, Shu-Yan NG, Tsz-Ki HO, Yin-Ling NG (2016) Bracing - Halting Progression or Improving Curves in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Rheumatol Arthritic Dis 1(1): 1-8. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15226/2475-4676/1/1/00106
What Providers, Practitioners and Patients are Saying
“[She] wears her brace to school everyday and in total she is very adamant for making sure she wears her brace at least 20 hours a day…This is the 1st time she has been willing to wear her brace to school and she’s actually not embarrassed with it.” Read More
“Unlike other braces where the goal is to halt the curve, the [Brace] can actually correct. Our son’s curve was 16 degrees at its initial diagnosis and had increased to 28 degrees… We just went for an out of brace x-ray and the curve is now 13 degrees!!” Read More
“The exacting fit is much more tolerable for the patient which contributes to improved corrections and a happier patient.” Read More
“WOW! I kind of expected this but I’m also a little shocked. I truly imagined her being braced into high school! You all are amazing!!” Read More
“Just saw [patient], mother is really happy with correction in brace and with out of brace curve stabilization.” Read More