Our providers are trained to the most exacting standards, have attained numerous years of experience fitting patients in Cheneau style TLSOs, and offer a long and impressive track record of success that patients, and their families, can rely upon. Current providers listed are all proficient Schroth instructors as well. Their understanding of how a Schroth compatible brace should fit and respond is invaluable when it comes to the brace fitting process.

Our providers are also skilled and experienced in bracing kyphosis – both thoracic and thoracolumbar kyphosis.

Patients, both adolescent and adult, from the USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia have all been fit by our practitioners.

We follow Cheneau bracing principles corresponding with the Augmented Lehnert-Schroth (ALS) method curve pattern classifications. Each brace created is custom made for the patient according to spinal curve pattern and size. Fittings take place over two or even three days to ensure the absolute optimal effect and comfort so that each patient is fully satisfied.

Our practitioners are dedicated to the highest standard of patient comfort, care, brace effectiveness, and pride themselves on taking both the physical as well as the emotional aspect of wearing a spinal orthosis into account. We offer support and guidance throughout the process.

Cheneau Brace Practitioners in USA


Marc Moramarco, DC

Scoliosis 3DC
Bracing Services for Scoliosis Exclusively
3 Baldwin Green Common, Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-938-8558
Email: info@scoliosis3dc.com
Website: www.scoliosis3dc.com

Amy Heller, OTR/L


Scoliosis 3DC
Bracing Services for Scoliosis Exclusively
3 Baldwin Green Common, Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-938-8558
Email: info@scoliosis3dc.com
Website: www.scoliosis3dc.com

Kim Kruzel, OTR/L


Scoliosis 3DC
Bracing Services for Scoliosis Exclusively
3 Baldwin Green Common, Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 781-938-8558
Email: info@scoliosis3dc.com
Website: www.scoliosis3dc.com

*4 day turnaround (measurement to final fitting). This location only.